My Life Pieced Together

This is a site about my life. We live in a world with a bunch of pieces, like a puzzle, and try to make sense of it all. Each one of us creates a canvas of our life based on the way we respond and act to each scenario played out within it. At times this can be more than I can take, at other times it is a sheer delight... What does your puzzle look like? Chaos or order? Read on to check out mine!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Slow Down

slow down Posted by Hello

I can hear it so clear, the voice of the Lord to me.... "Millie, just slow down, smell the roses... enjoy my creation... enjoy me." This is why I love photography so, when I have a camera in my hand and I am walking around capturing His creation nothing else matters to me but Him.

I often wonder how people go through life in such a rush, do they ever get to see the beauty in life? God's thumbprint is all around us, His creation tells us who He is! All we have to do is look and enjoy!

I enjoy music by Jack Johson, his songs talk about the world we live in and his newest Cd has a song titled, Better Together. One of the versus in this song reminds me of how I feel about God... it goes like this...

"And all these moments just might find there way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone when the morning light hits
Or brings new things for tomorrow night you see
That they'll be gone too, too many things I have to do
But if all of these dreams might find their way into my day to day scene
I'd be under the impression I was somewhere in between
Bith only two, just me and you, not so many things we got to do
Or places we got to be, we'll sit beneath the mango tree now"

When I hear this song I am encourgaed to relax and enjoy life because it is always better when we're together meaning me and the Lord!

Don't let every day pass you by without sitting under the mango tree... stop and smell the roses... whatever old phrase you choose to coin... just slow down... Pretend like everyday is the weekend with Him!

Never Again

I recieved an email from a friend this morning which talked about how there will never be another day like today again. Today is 03.04.05! Her email intrigued me to think about what difference I made on an average day and I thought I would share it with the rest of you.
Here it goes...

""This date will never happen again in your lifetime." I'm always reminded of this by my mother when curious dates like this roll around. last year it was of course in February (02-03-04) and the year before in January (01-02-03) and there will continue to be one date a year like this until 2014. and though the numbers of these days are unique indeed, I'm brought back to today....the day at hand, whatever the date may be and I'm quickly reminded "there will never be a day like this again in my lifetime."

Then the questions roll in my head, "Did I seize every moment?" "Did I spend my time wisely in His eyes?" "Did I cherish the important things?" "was I selfish or selfless?'' "Did I tell or show someone they were important today?" "Did I offer my life to the One who gave it to me?" "Did I do everything I was supposed to do this day?" Because you will never have this day again. I hope that the answer to these questions were answered in a life lived to reveal the Mighty One.

I hope that my actions today showed Love. I hope that I've impacted someone for eternity. I hope that the work that I did today will prove to sustain through the fire.... that each bit I've sown was laid upon His foundation.... the only foundation that ever lasts. I'm trusting that inspite of my weaknesses and in spite of my foolishness.... my King was glorified. This is my request for everyday of my life. I hope that it is yours too."

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Letter


My name is Millie, I am a twenty three year old single white female, soon to be twenty-four on March 13th! I am a photographer who enjoys biking, tennis (when I find someone to lpay with), puppet building ( I know weird hobby, right!), writing children's books and hanging out with friends in my spare time. I also aspire to write music for the use of worship!

I attend Regent University and will graduate this May with a Bachelors of Science in Organization Leadership and Management. I plan to become a Children's Minisrty consultant who travels to equip and support Children's pastors around the world. I desire to help ministries operate at peak performance, "children are out future." I currently serve in Children's Minstry at The ROCK of Wilmington. I also serve with Save Our Kids Outreach, we travel to detentions centers, prisons, churches, children's crusades and even third world countries to minister to the lost. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me after graduation. I trust him completley!

I am currently making new friends, trying to finish up school, running my business, and trying to get published with my first Children's book entitiled, "Whisper." Perhaps you will see my name on the shelves at your local bookstore soon!

Stay tuned to read more about my life as it unfolds...

New Life

As a photographer, my favorite subject to capture is a newborn child. Their innocence and beauty demands my attention. I don't remember what it was like to have been a baby this small, but it must have been great! The world had not yet tainted us with its lies and hatred. This is what it feels like to be born again, made new, cleansed from sin. This baby has been given new life as we all have in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The word says, "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Psalm 91:14...

It is the same for those of us who have found life in Christ as a baby who has found its mother, if we hang on He will save us. God gives us new life and replaces out innocence once again. I believe God looks at us with the same beauty we view a newborn. He love us unconditionally which tells me He does not see my scars and past but He sees my innocence, pure heart and good intentions. I am made worthy even when clothed in unworthiness. He is my Abba Father!